Machine Tear Down

Machine Tear Down Service

Value Engineering

BNL offer a Value Analysis and Engineering service involving the tear down of existing machines or analysis of projects work, in collaboration with our experienced product design team, to improve function, reduce costs or both.

Benefits to our customers and partners include:

  • Significant savings achieved in both areas (VA/VE)
  • Conversion of complex multi-component metals and plastics assemblies to single piece integrated multi-function replacements
  • Sharing of best-practice and new technologies to extend the life of existing products
  • Full life-cycle improvements made to your product in design and engineering, material selection, testing, manufacturing, assembly, installation, service, maintenance and recycling
  • Component rationalization where products have been developed under tight time constraints and a wide variety of parts and materials have been sourced and used
  • Cost reduction opportunities based on ordering greater quantities and economies of scale.

Please contact us to find out more about how our Machine Tear Down Team can deliver this value to your supply chain.

Enquiry Form

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